Power Shastra

Inspired by the Chanakya's Artha Shastra, we are thriving to elaborate and execute a Shastra designed by us named Power Shastra


We are mining politics by political Shastra by our methodologies and innovative ideas through Power Shastra..


Power Shastra is a Shastra or science we are developing through certain dynamics and algorithms for,of,by POWER.

WELCOME TO Power Shastra

Without government, rises disorder as in the Matsya nyayamud bhavayati (proverb on law of fishes). In the absence of governance, the strong will swallow the weak. In the presence of governance, the weak resists the strong.

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Our Strategies

We help you to understand what’s driving an issue, the key players, and how they can be swayed.

We advise clients on their outreach strategies; or we deliver a multi-layered political campaign on your behalf, drawing together direct advocacy at all levels, media and data polling work, and building broad coalitions of stakeholders

We leverage our political and media networks to understand what is happening in key political centers before it is splashed on the front pages.

We engage with decision-makers in the media, political and business sphere to help shape the policy environment that our clients are a part of. We bring decades of corporate, government and political experience to help craft communications campaigns for our clients around public policy objectives. Through a deep strategic understanding of the dynamics at play behind an issue and an identification of the main players’ positions, we are able to provide intelligible and actionable advice to top decision-makers on how to understand the situation and minimize and manage exposure to risks.

A critical need for many candidates and campaigns is help building and mobilizing a supporter base. We has the infrastructure and know-how to get people out on your behalf to amplify your message. Whether it is helping recruit people to attend legislative meetings or building a volunteer base to knock on doors and connect with the public, we are the right partners to help you achieve your goals.

We’ve designed field plans from scratch, run volunteer trainings for campaigns, and executed events for a variety of clients each with unique needs and challenges. Let us help you build a winning grassroots campaign today. Click on the link below to learn more.

We have to be strategic in our targeting. So, we rely on the large amounts of data we were able to gather through low-cost IVR programs to guide our resource allocation.